Eddie's Modern World History BLog

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Cold War Project

Cold War
This image shows a park with korean soldier statues, which is use for the memories of the Korean War. It was significant because it demonstrates the respect people gave to the korean soldiers who died in the war. It was important to human beings and also help us abettor from our past mistakes.

This photograph shows us how the Americans fight in the Vietnam war. American soldiers were usually carried in by helicopters and dropped off into the woods. This image was significant because it demonstrates the brave and enthusiastic energy of the American soldiers even in harsh conditions. American people believe in capitalism and was willing to stop communism with any cost. The spirit of the Americans is a role model and this spirit accord them to be the strongest country.

This picture shows a dramatic death of a monk named Thich Quang Duc. He was significant becuase his actions was one the reason that made Americans stop the Vietnam War. If I could ask him a question, I'll ask,"How did it felt when the fire caught your eyeballs?" He was a brave monk and he proved it.

Neil Armstrong was the first human being on the moon. This newspaper is significant because it is one of the extraordinary steps human accomplished. This news made Americans won the space race with the Russians and proved that American is more advanced.

Cold War Leaders

Mao Zedong (1893-1976)

  • Dictator of China during Cold War period
  • A strongly supporter of Communism
  • Brought China into a mess
  • Go against America in Korean War+Vietnam War


Joseph Stalin (1879-1953)

Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)

  • Leader of North Vietnam during Cold War periods
  • Successfully got Vietnam independent from the Frenchs.
  • A hero to all Vietnam's people
  • Successfully defeated Americans in the Vietnam war
  • United Vietnam


Dwight D. Eisehower (1890-1969)

  • American president during Cold War period
  • Major commander of D-Day operation
  • Lower defense payments after the 38th Parallel was established (boundary between North Korea and South Korea)


John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)

  • President of America during Cold War period
  • Person in charge in of the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Youngest president of America ever

The leaders in the Cold War were all fantistic, but it admire Ho Chi Minh more than other leaders. Ho Chi Minh has the courage and guts to defeat the American troops sent into Vietnam. Americans treated him wrong by abanding him when he needs the help and started a war with him after left capitalism.

Politic Cartoons

Leaders of both America and Russia didn't want to have a nuclear war. This politic cartoon shows that humans has control of the nuclear war and to stop it, is simply just cooperation together. The reality is that both countries would be destroyed if nuclear missiles were fired.


The cartoonist is trying to show that prejudice should be forgetten and that America should be a equal country. It also shows that Uncle Sam wants American soldiers fight in a cooperative team. The reality is that prejudice isn't totally cleaned and many are still whirling around.


The cartoonist shows Kennedy and Kruschev arm wrestling against each other, this meant the Cuban Missile Crisis. They both have the trigger to start the nuclear war and the distance of pressing the button was so close. The reality was that they both didn't dare to start the nuclear war.


Cold War Map

The photograph taken by American's U2 spy plane from Cuba. This map clearly shows that Cuba was setting up missile lanch stages and was cooperating with Russia. I learned that Capitalism and Communism is always against each other.


A representation of the space race between America and Russia during the Cold War period. I learned that these two countries were the first to gain real experience in space and that both are very strong countries even until now.


Historical Imagination

To my dearly wife Fit,

Hello darlin, I've got problems in Russia these few years. Since we aren't living together, I'll like to tell you how I felt during these few years. America and Russia are fighting over to prove that they are the most powerful country in the world. The television news and newspapers are always talking about the progress in the race. The country is demanding for finacial support and tried to increase the tax. Russia is making nuclear weapons and massing them for no reasons, simply to show Americans that we have more. The news few days again was surpising, because we had got a space ship into the space. This is going to be a big step to victory. Anyways, I hope you are doing well in Bangkok and I'll try to leave the country if it is possible. Miss ya.

From Ed


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