Eddie's Modern World History BLog

Monday, March 13, 2006

Schindler's List

Schindler's List is a film based on Germany's event during the World War 2. The film was named Schindler's List is becuase Schindler was a hero to many people. Oscar Schindler was his real name, he was a member of the Nazi party but secretly disagree with them with killing Jewish people. The film showed how he save the Jewish people from death penalties by hiring them to work for him. Schindler hired Jewish people to make weapons for the Nazis in order to give them support in World War 2. The film stirked me when I saw Schindler arguing with the Nazi leader to treat Jewish people as humans, Schindler could be said to be a brave and determined person. Schindler's list has all his workers name on it and all names on the list was saved from their death penalties. The list of names written on his paper was awarded, he got thousands of supporters after the World War ended, he had places to hide from victorious forces. Schindler was respected my Jewish people, after his death there were people who come and offer him gifts. 7 oscar awards were given on this film, and I know why now.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006



"The Holocaust is the name applied to the systematic state-sponsored persecution and genocide of the Jews of Europe along with other groups during World War II". The Holocaust is under actions of the Nazis in Germany, this happened when massive sluaghtering of Jews take place in Europe. About 6 million Jews were executed or murdered at the end of the Holocaust. Laws to ban Jews from all job and bussinesses were established first, then laws got worst agianst the Jews. It was so desperate at the end to even gas thousands of Jews to death.